Patent Data

The api search results will contain a sample or preview of up to 20 patents matching the search criteria sent in. Each patent contains a bunch of fields shown below. From the faq:
Note: * PCT and WIPO data is temporarily unavailable for the 1st release. They will be included in an upcoming release.
Also missing are the cpc classifications, additional ccls or USPC's when a patent has more than one US classification and the examiner's shoe size. Here I've changed the query object sent in by other sample pages. This one sorts on patentIssueDate otherwise that come back are defensive publications (T#). I'm also not limiting the class to plants as some of the other pages do. Here it can be any class. It looks odd to me that not all the results have a patentNumber or a patentIssueDatesince my search is supposed to be for statuses of Patented Case(issued patents).
{ "searchText": "*.*", "fq": ["appStatus:\"Patented Case\""], "fl": "*", "mm": "100%", "df": "patentTitle", "qf": "patentTitle", "facet": "true", "sort": "patentIssueDate desc", "start": "0" }
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